Brackets and curly braces: fffffffffffff


I just spent 4 fucking hours modifying the sidebar login panel. It took me about an hour to figure out how to restrict options to certain user levels but I got it working. What took up 3 hours was trying to figure out what was causing the fatal errors.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, it was the damn curly braces ” { ” and ” } ” in functions that didn’t match up. the nice thing about notepad++ is that it highlights what it thinks is the start of a bracket or curly brace and what it thinks is the end. Once I realised that the curly braces where throwing everything into shit, I just had to check the curly braces in the section I was working in.

Also due to the fact that I have very little to zero knowledge of coding php, i did not realise that

echo ‘<ul class=”pagenav”>’;
random crap other lines of code here –
echo ‘</ul>’;

was valid syntax.

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