Pause for a bit
Winter holiday season seems to be the busiest time of year for everyone, including me. It feels like there’s not enough days in the week, hours in the clock to keep tomorrow from happening today.
This week I have to finish up raking the leaves that got left unattended due to the weather and then finish up work on my room so that it will be ready for my cousin to stay in for a night. The week after that, my sister and her husband will be visiting for the holidays so sometime between tomorrow and the 22nd, I need to get the house ready and have Christmas decorations up.
Oh and let’s not for get that I have an essay for RPG to work and a side project my bro had asked me to do this past summer that I haven’t touched yet (don’t get me started on my backlog of RPG’s side projects). and to top it all off, I still have my personal goal to finish editing chapter 6 and 7 before the month’s end, watching shows that I’ve put in the back burner, writing up the anime posts that I’ve fallen behind on, as well as finishing (at the very least) the journey part of Persona 3 and some how manage to dig up funds for Persona 4.
I really need to find a way to fit this all into a month >_<
Categories: Blogging