Music Post
Listening to May’n sing is really something. She’s got quite a strong singing voice. I don’t know why I avoided listening to her songs during the airing of Macross Frontier. Sure Megumi Nakajima is quite good her self but she just doesn’t have the vocal power that May’n has.
Here’s an example of May’n singing Northern Cross from Macross Frontier.[flv: 300 0]
Here’s an example of Megumi Nakajima singing What ’bout my star from Macross Frontier.[flv: 300 0]
Now put them both together and you’ve got win. Lion sung by May’n and Megumi Nakajima.
[flv: 300 0]
On an unrelated note, AIR’s Unused Music #5 was the song that got me hooked to the show even though it was background music that was played in episode 3. I’ve been searching for it since ’05 and only recently got a hold of it.
[flv: 300 0]
edit: -___- forgot to properly rename air’s song file
Categories: Blogging
Lion was my favorite Macross Frontier song. And AIR music was pretty good.