A new package has arrived

Wisedog: Haruka, I just heard the doorbell ring. Did something just arrive?

Haruka: Yup! It’s this box.

Wisedog: Strange… I don’t remember ordering anything off the internet lately. Open it up and let’s see what it is.

Wisedog: Google Play? Now what could this be…

Haruka: *humming*

Wisedog: Wait a minute… Is that what I think it is?

Haruka: TADA!

Wisedog: Oh wow…

Haruka: Look how shiny it is.

Wisedog: Mmm… fresh stickers to peel.

Haruka: Looks like that’s all there is in the box.

Haruka: Let’s go ahead and set this up.

Wisedog: Hold on a minute… how did you pay for this?

Haruka: I paid for it with my money.

Wisedog: And where did you get that money?

Haruka: From your wallet.

Wisedog: …

So yeah, I decided to go ahead and buy one. I chose this over the Asus TF300 for the size and price. I thought about getting the 16 gb version but I just could not justify paying an extra $50 for 8 gb increase.

So far I’m loving this device, though I’ve only had 20 minutes to spend with it so far. Since I bought this from Google’s Play store in September, I qualified for their $25 credit promotion and I’m currently doing some research before deciding what apps I’ll buy.

I’ve decided that I will name this device and any future tablets I own “Eila”, just like all of my desktops will be “Louise” and all of my laptops will be “Sanya”.

This is currently my home screen

Categories: Blogging, Figures, Gadgetry

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